Edit Document Help

The Document Edit page displays the details of the selected document. The document title can be changed by editing the title field and the User, to whom the document belongs, can be altered by selecting a different User from the selection box. A text field for entering document notes is given on the right alongside a history of the document which details all the activities performed on the document.

Go to the interview: In order to populate the document with data, the interview questions must be answered. To open the interview to input the relevant document information, click in the taskbar. This will open up the Interview.

Request a client interview: If the Client Interview feature is enabled for your company, you will be able to request a client interview. To have Document Services send an email to the client requesting that they fill in an interview, click the Client Interview request input will appear in the right hand panel. You can edit the client details and the email before it is sent. By clicking on Select an existing recipient you can select from a list of previous recipients. You can also allow the client to download the finished document by checking the box next to Allow client to download finished interview. Once you are happy with the details and the email content click the Send button at the top. To view Documents waiting for client interview select this option at the Documents tab.

Download answers file: Clicking  will give you the option to download a HotDocs answer file. This file can be used to upload answers to another document or with other HotDocs products to pre-set interview answers when creating a document.

Completing a document: When an interview is finished, either by a User or through a Client Interview, the document can be marked as complete by selecting . This will close the document for editing and will change the status of the document to ‘closed’.

Status of a document: If a document has the status of ‘Open’, the answers can be edited in the interview. If a document is ‘Archived’ the document must be re-opened in order to edit any answer in an interview. This can be achieved by clicking in the taskbar.

Deleting a document: A document can be deleted by clicking in the taskbar. This will remove the document from the application.

Adding a Template: You can add a template by clicking in the taskbar. Once the new template is added to the template list for this document you will be able to assemble it directly from the interview.

Downloading a completed document: You can download certain documents from the document details page. To do this, click in template options.

Further document options can be accessed from within the Interview.

For information on the button see Permissions Help