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What's new for 2.1

Core Services 11 / HotDocs Developer 11 support

Document Services 2.1 supports HotDocs Developer 11 functionality to provide new features such as parameter passing, docx format templates and current answer file answer sources.

Shared answer files

We’ve added support for the answer file and overlay answer commands to allow easier sharing of common answers throughout your Document Services account.

This means that answers can be shared across document sets or be used to provide common answer sources. This ensures that your shared answers can be populated into interview sessions that require them.

Learn more about shared answer files...

Default permissions for new items

This feature allow administrators to set up rules to apply permissions to new items at creation time allowing for enterprise level control of user access.

Learn more about default permissions...

Optional Client for a document

Document Services 2.1 streamlines assembly for internal use by removing the need to store a client against a document.

Import Clients

Document Services 2.1 allows a user to import a large list of clients from a comma separated file. This allows a quick way of getting client lists into Document Services account.

Learn more about importing clients...