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Import Clients Help

Document Services 2.1 le permite al usuario importar una lista de clientes dede un archivo csv(comma separated value). Este es un metodo rápido de crear muchos clientes en su cuenta de Document Services.

Import clients Main

Clicking on the 'Browse' button allows you to find the .csv (comma spaced values) file you require. The Primary Contact will automatically be set the the currently logged in user but can be changed by utilising the drop down menu.

Basic instructions for writing a .csv file

  • In the first row of the .csv file type in the column headers separated by commas.

  • You can choose as many of the following headers as required: name,email,phone,mobile,address,address2,city,country,state,zipcode

  • You must include 'name' and 'email' as these are required fields.

  • On the next row of the file, enter the details of your first client in the same order as the column headers you have used and separate each detail with a comma.

  • Continue adding more rows until you have entered the details for every client you require.